Saturday, July 6, 2013

Are Payday Loans Safe?

Many people that hit this old blog are curious about payday loans.

Are they safe?

Well, is anything safe these days.

It depends on what company that you use and if you are dealing with a mom & pop shop, or an industry leader as referred to on the right side of this page.

When applying for a payday loan online, take a few precautions.

1) Make sure the site is secure. You'll see an https:// on the top of your browser bar when looking at their site address.

2) Make sure it's a reputable company. We've listed one on this site to the right for your reference.

If you use a reputable company that accepts your application online securely, you should be in good hands.

Hey - thanks for visiting this old blog. It's in it's 5th year online.

